A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Since the project is still in development I appreciate any feedback! 
Planned full game release in February 2025.

Bug log on the bottom!


How will you cope with the loss of yourself?
Each episode of You Died! will allow you to experience a stage of grief for yourself. Make choices, deal with the consequences, and interact with your environment to express the emotions of the main character.

You Died! is a choice-based 3D visual novel with elements of psychological horror. It aims to help players struggling with growing up and feelings of wasted childhood. Using death as a metaphor for permanently leaving childhood behind, the story takes the player through 5 stages of grief from the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross model. In each stage, you will notice some changes to the environments and mechanics from shader changes to completely new abilities in each episode!

In this interactive experience you will play as the recently deceased troubled teenager. They need to go through all of the stages of grief and move on to whatever comes after death. Will you be able to help them? Or will you get stuck in their childhood home forever?

Download Instructions:

1. Download the zip folder of game files for your target platform (MacOs / Windows)

2. Unpack the compressed folder.

3. Do not! move any files out of the folder. You can create a shortcut to the exe file (windows) or .app file (MacOs)

4. Run the game like you would any other!

Music by Aleksander Rutkowski

Want to see me develop the game live? Chceck out my twitch channel.

Want to keep up with me? Follow me on X.

Want to talk to me? Join my Discord server.

Bug log:

Note that the game has mostly been tested on Windows so if you notice any bugs in the MacOS build please let me know! 

- Cat npc even though it can be interacted with, does not have the outline that other interactable objects have

- Settings sometimes don't work (if this happens to you try closing them, moving your character a bit and then opening them again - in most cases it helps)

Updated 12 days ago
Published 22 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 1.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsFirst-Person, Meaningful Choices, Psychological Horror


Ep1-DEMO-Windows.zip 71 MB
Ep1-DEMO-MacOS.zip 85 MB


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Unplayable buggy mess.

Look at the mirror from the wrong angle - stuck.

Look at bed from the wrong place - stuck in the cat, or the bed itself.

And I'm not sure there is even an ending. 

Hi! This project is currently in the very early stages of development so bugs are to be expected (part of why I am releasing this early version is to find them - as a solo dev I can’t possibly find every bug on my own) but I would be happy to fix them if you could tell me more about them! Which place were you looking at the bed from when you got stuck? Did the cat appear before you interacted with the cat picture laying on the bed? What angle were you looking at the mirror from when you got stuck? I have tested the game with a small group of people and we have not encountered those specyfic problems so if you could give me some information so that I could try and recreate them to understand where they come from I would be really gratefull - it makes the process way faster for me :3. Also as of right now the ending of this episode is not in the build as to not spoil the whole story for when I releaase a working ‘official’ demo in about 6 months or so. Thank you for the comment, hope you have a nice day!